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When Autumn Comes: Seasons of Hope for Medical + Disability Moms

Jul 21, 2021

Far from a traditional When Autumn Comes episode, but today, Susan shares the eulogy she wrote and read at Lorelei’s Celebration of Life on 7.20.21. Lorelei taught the world so many things, but here are just 15 Lessons she taught her mama. 

Links and resources:

  • Visit the Friday’s With Lorelei facebook page for...

Jul 16, 2021

Thank you for your understanding as we have taken a break from WAC.  As most of you know, Susan’s daughter Lorelei earned her angel wings last week.  Today, in a raw and unedited conversation, Susan is opening up her heart and talking about Lorelei’s passing.  We will return when our hearts are ready, with more...